Childbirth Education
The 3-Week Series and Wham-Bam workshops are all offered in-person with the option to move to zoom.
In-person classes will be held at Foundation Family Chiropractic Carnes Crossroads Location
All other courses will be held via Zoom unless indicated.
The 3 Week Series | $285
Taught live, in-person and over zoom
9 hours of Childbirth Ed, broken down into 3 hour classes over the course of 3 weeks
Thursday evenings 6-9pm (COMING SOON)
Sunday afternoons 2-5pm
Recommended for First Time Parents and VBAC Families, but not limited to
A fun, interactive, relaxed way of learning. Using multiple sensory techniques to engage the learner, the way YOU need to grasp the information #abrighterbirthcbe
Real Birth Stories: story telling is an age old source of education. We believe in normalizing the birth process through sharing how others have navigated their own unique births.
This class focuses on the Physiology of Birth, the Why’s, What’s, How’s, When’s of Labor. Using your 5 Senses Wisely, the Hormonal Structure of- Labor, Birth, Breastfeeding, and the Postpartum Phase, Comfort Measures, Coping Techniques, Patterned Breathing, Counter Pressure, Labor Positions, Acupressure for the Laboring Woman, the Partner’s Role, the Doula’s Role and How to be your own Advocate. Common Interventions- how to avoid them, what to try instead, and when they become medically necessary. Preparing to Breastfeed, the Latch, the “Schedule”, the Normal Challenges of Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding Support. The First Week at Home with your Baby, your Partner and your “New Normal”.
Access to a well honed list of local Charleston Pregnancy, Birth and Breastfeeding Resources
Handouts of ABB Educational Materials Provided
A Brighter Birth Wham Bam Workshop | $185
Taught live, in-person and over zoom
A One Day Workshop, either Wednesday evenings 5-9pm or Saturdays 1-5pm
A very condensed version of the 3 week series
Recommended for families who have experienced a birth before, but not limited to
This class will prepare you for What to Expect in your Birthing Location and How to Use the Acronym B.R.A.I.N to Help you Make Decisions. Choosing your Birth Team Wisely, Coping Techniques and Comfort Measures, Labor Positions, Hands On Counter Pressure/Acupressure for the Laboring Woman, and How to Prepare for Breastfeeding Success and the Postpartum Phase
Access to a well honed list of local Charleston Pregnancy, Birth and Breastfeeding Resources
Handouts of ABB Educational Materials Provided
A Brighter Breastfeeding Experience | $175
Taught via Zoom
A One Day Workshop, Wednesdays once/month, 5-9pm
Learn the Ins and Outs of Breastfeeding from ABB’s Certified Lactation Educator, Sarah Cole
Topics like: Supporting your Baby’s Instincts, Milk Composition, Working on your Latch- that first time, and every time after, Avoiding Sabotage, How Do I Know My Baby is Getting Enough?, What is a Good Breastfeeding Schedule?, What Positions Should I Use?, Why Does it Hurt?, What Does a Good Latch Look Like?, Learning your Baby, How Often Should I Feed My Baby?, How Can My Partner Help?, What is a Clogged Duct? Mastitis? Thrush? Cracked Nipple? Bruised Nipple? Bleb?, Breastfeeding in Public, Going Back to Work, Finding your Tribe, Supply and Demand, Safe Milk Storage and more…will be covered.
Access to a well honed list of Breastfeeding Support Resources
Private ABB Classes | $225
Taught via Zoom
3 hours long, date and time TBD by YOU. Contact Natalie to Schedule a Time Best For You
Access to a well honed list of local Charleston Pregnancy, Birth and Breastfeeding Resources
A Handout of ABB Educational Material Provided